We want you to understand the basis upon which you buy products from us.
Your product will arrive via email within 72 hours of purchase.
For any issues purchasing the product, please contact our support team via support@e-courses4you.com or via our Contact Us page.
It is up to you to check that your order is correct. There are facilities to enable you to correct any inputting errors prior to the submission of your order. If however you realise that you have made a mistake then please call us and we will see whether it is possible to intercept the order before it is accepted by us.
Minimum specifications for the computer are:
Microsoft Windows XP, or later
Modern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
OSX/iOS 6 or later
Modern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
All systems:
Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or faster
Flash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities (Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
Video quality is dependent on users internet connection speed which is out of e-Courses4you control. Customers should contact their internet provider if they are experiencing poor internet speed
If a course is booked or held and a request to cancel is received in writing within the 14 days period then this will be fully granted. In the event of a refund, an administration fee of £79+VAT will be charged. Once a course has been accessed or redeemed, we cannot grant a refund. Please ensure you have the correct course before ordering. In addition, exam vouchers must be used within 14 days of being dispensed by our examination team.
Occasionally workshop dates may need to be changed. E-Courses4you reserves the right to change the date of a workshop by giving a minimum of 24 hours notice via email or telephone communication to the contact details provided by customer at point of booking.
If a student fails to attend a booked workshop for any reason they forfeit their space on the workshop and the fee’s are non refundable. Students can reschedule their work shop booking by giving E-Courses4you no less than 7 days notice of intent to reschedule.
Please see here for more information on our cancellations and refund policy.
Any delay in payment by a specified payment date may incur a £10 administration fee.
All course licenses are 6 months unless otherwise agreed prior to setup. When a package of courses is agreed, the subsequent course must be commenced within 6 months and the licence for that course will also be subject to 6-12 months from commencement.
As the exam vouchers are controlled via a third-party vendor (Microsoft, CompTIA, Cisco, BCS etc.), if a course is paused, we are unable to pause the licence on the vouchers. The licence of the voucher(s) will begin when the course is redeemed or purchased and will end after 6-12 months, unless otherwise stated. Vouchers will provided only when the courseware has been completed and three-four of the associated mocks exams have been completed with 70% or above. Vouchers will only be provided to the student when the tutoring team are confident that the student is ready for the exam, as they will have to be re-purchased.
Exam Vouchers:
Exam vouchers are valid for 6-12 months from date of purchase. Exam vouchers are non-refundable.
Exam vouchers will NOT be redeemable after 6 / 12 months.
External exams are at extra cost to student as they are a chargeable event outside e-Courses4you.com and so their costs are beyond our control.
Examination resits:
If your package includes an exam re-sit, you must specify which exam you would like to use this for prior to booking your exam, as we will need to add this option onto the booking. It cannot be selected after.
If you chose to use the re-sit on your Foundation exam and you pass, the re-sit will be void as this would have been paid for, the same goes for the practitioner. So please do choose wisely.
Please Note: As the exams are conducted through either PearsonVue or Certiport, and due to the data protection policies they have in place, we are unable to make any changes to exam bookings. If an exam is booked but the student fails to attend, the voucher will not be refunded.
Course completion certificate available for a fee of £10.00 once the student has successfully completed at least 80% of their training
Our order system encrypts all your personal information including your name, address and credit or debit card details using industry standard secure socket technology (SSL). This is intended to ensure that information passed between your computer and this site cannot be read in the unlikely event that it is intercepted by someone else.
All prices quoted are in sterling (UK pounds). Due to fluctuations in supplier price, we reserve the right to change our prices without notice. Although any such price changes will be applied instantly to this web site, allowing you to be aware of them before ordering.
Our office hours are 09:00 to 18:00 UK time. All orders and quotations received are acknowledged by email. Customer emails received by us will be responded to within a maximum of two working days of receipt unless circumstances beyond our control prevent this.
Please read these terms and conditions (the “Terms”), which apply to your use of any and all courses and any and all course materials as well as the following websites, including any subdomains thereof:
- www.e-courses4you.com
- For details or enquiries regarding this, please visit the E-Courses4You website or contact us on 0203 8757830
- “E-Courses4You” means E-Courses4You Limited.
- “Course material” means, means, but is not limited to any online, digitally stored or hard copy documents, materials, Tests, Tutorials or files produced or provided by E-Courses4You that provides detailed or specific information with respect to the Course Materials that these Terms cover.
- “Course” means the Course license, which is granted upon registration and payment for that Course.
- “Fee” means the fee payable for the Course Study Material and shall include any VAT payable but excludes all delivery charges, any import duties, taxes and customs clearances which may be payable.
- “Terms” means these General Terms and Conditions and any other agreed upon Terms of Use with E-Courses4You.
- “Website” Any of E-Courses4You’s websites or other websites explicitly mentioned in these terms in regards to coming under these terms.
- “you” means the individual purchasing the Course and users of the Course material.
Access and use of any of the Websites and / or courses and course materials, are provided by us subject to these Terms. In using any of the Websites and / or courses and course materials, you are accepting these Terms and acknowledging that you have read them. If you are unhappy with these Terms you should not use any of the websites and / or courses or course materials.
If using any of the Websites and / or courses and course materials, from outside the UK other laws may apply. We are not subject to local laws applicable in other countries and the Websites and / or courses and course materials, may not be compliant with those local laws. If you are unhappy with this you should not use any of the Websites and / or courses and course materials.
These Terms may change from time to time by updating this page. You should review this page regularly. Your continued use of the Websites and / or courses and course materials, after changes have been made will be taken to mean that you have checked the Terms and you are accepting these changes to the Terms and acknowledging that you have read them. If you are unhappy with any changes to the Terms you should not use any of the websites.
The Websites and all the materials contained within or on, and / or courses and course materials, are protected by intellectual property rights. Materials include, but are not limited to, the appearance, design, documents, graphics, layout and look on the website, as well as all other content on the Websites such as articles and other text. All btm-copyright, trademarks, design rights, patents and other intellectual property rights (registered and unregistered) subsisting in the design of, or materials on, the Websites we are entitled to use, we own or is licensed to us.
Except as provided in these Terms, you may not redistribute, copy or republish or otherwise make the materials on the Websites, and / or courses and course materials, available to any other person, organisation or group without our written permission (including, but not limited to “caching” any material and “mirroring” any material). You may print or download materials from the Websites, and / or courses and course materials, for your own personal and non-commercial use provided that:
- No materials are modified in any way
- No graphics are used separately from it’s text
- Our btm-copyright and trade mark notices appear on all copies
- You acknowledge the source of the material.
If you have our written permission to provide these materials to any other person, organisation or group, you must ensure they are made aware of these restrictions. You can also permit your computer to make an electronically stored, transient copy of the content on the Websites only for the purpose of viewing it while connected to the internet (but you may only make one copy of any such content).
There may be places in or on the courses and course materials and/ or pages on the Websites (including but not limited to):
Where you can post, send or upload information or data on the Websites of, or Course materials provided or produced by E-Courses4You. If you do this we will take this to mean that you have read and accepted these Terms. You must not post, send or upload any content or information unless:
· You own or have appropriate rights to use the intellectual property rights subsisting in or relating to that content and information
- You are sure that posting, sending or uploading the same does not infringe the rights (including but not limited to the intellectual property rights) of any other person or organisation.
- You Must Not Post Any Information Or Data Which
- Is or could be considered defamatory, derogatory or in appropriate with regard to E-Courses4You Ltd, its customers or clients or any other person or organisation
- Which contains any confidential information about E-Courses4You IT Ltd or another person or organisation (unless you have our permission or that of the other person or organisation)
- Contains any offensive, obscene or criminal content or any other content which may cause embarrassment to E-Courses4You IT Ltd, its customers or clients or any other person or organisation
- Contains any personal information about another person including (this list is not exhaustive) names, contact details and sensitive personal data (for example, information about an identified or identifiable individual’s mental or physical health, racial or ethnic origin, religious or other beliefs).
- Contains any viruses, malware or malicious or damaging files.
Our Privacy Policy and the Information Commissioner’s website provide more information about what is personal information and sensitive personal data. We are not responsible for any content and/or information which you post, send or upload onto the Websites.
We reserve the right to withdraw any such content and/or information without notice and at our sole discretion and to pursue any cause of action against you available to us under applicable laws.
We do not represent that information contained on or available via the Websites and / or courses and course materials, is accurate or complete and accordingly it should not be relied on as such.
Any arrangements made between you and any other person, using or named on the Websites and / or courses and course materials, is entirely at your own risk and responsibility.
Information contained in or accessible via the Websites, and / or courses and course materials, may change from time to time. We may make improvements or alterations to the Websites, and / or courses and course materials, at any time and without notice. We may modify, withdraw or deny access to the Websites, and / or courses and course materials, at any time.
We may link to other websites which are not within our control. Such links would be provided for your convenience. In addition, other websites outside our control may link to the Websites.
We are not responsible for the content of any external sites we provide links to or which link to the Websites. You should exercise caution and check you are happy with the terms and conditions applicable to any other website that you visit. No link is intended to be, nor should be construed as, an endorsement of any kind by us of another website.
We do try and ensure our website, courses and course materials are as accurate and error free as possible and make efforts fix any issues. However we cannot guarantee that the use of the Websites, and / or courses and course materials, will be compatible with the hardware and / or software you use, or that it will be uninterrupted or error free or virus free or that any defects on the Websites, and / or courses and course materials, will be fixed by us (unless we are obliged by law to fix them, such as issues within our control regarding our obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 to keep personal information secure). However we do try and ensure our courses are as accurate and error free as possible and make efforts fix any issues.
Please ensure that you regularly check for and protect against viruses when using the Websites, and / or courses and course materials, on any hardware device. We make no statement about the suitability of the content, information, products or services which is made available via the Websites. Accordingly, all warranties and terms and conditions implied by statute or otherwise are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law (please see directly below for more details). For example, we make no warranty that this web site is free from computer viruses or any other malicious or impairing computer program.
We exclude all liability to the fullest extent permitted by law (please see directly below for more details) for damages and direct, indirect or consequential loss (including but not limited to pure economic loss, loss of business, revenue or profits, business interruption, depletion of goodwill and like loss) incurred by you and / or any other person and which arises out of or in connection with your use of or inability to use the Websites or its content , and / or courses and course materials,, whether that liability is in contract, tort or otherwise.
We do not exclude or limit our liability (if any) to you, for any matter for which it would be illegal or impossible under law for us to exclude or to attempt to exclude liability.
The internet is not a secure means of communication. Emails may be intercepted by other people or organisations. You should not send any communication to us through the Websites or by email, in particular which contains personal information (including sensitive personal data) and/or confidential information about you or any other, unless you accept that any such communication is sent at your own risk and on the understanding that we would not be liable for any loss that you might suffer as a result (except for losses which cannot be excluded or limited at law, as referred to directly above).
The exclusions and limitations of liability contained in these Terms do not apply to a party’s liability: (i) for fraud or wilful default; (ii) for death or personal injury caused by its negligence; or (iii) where such limitation or exclusion cannot lawfully be excluded. Except as set out in these Terms, E-Courses4You shall not be responsible for losses that result from its failure to comply with these Terms including, but not limited to, losses that fall into the following categories:
- Indirect or consequential losses
- Loss of income or revenue
- Loss of business
- Loss of anticipated savings
- Loss or corruption of data.
E-Courses4You is not responsible to you for any data that you lose as a result of accessing the Website or Course or Course Materials. It is your responsibility to ensure that you regularly save and back up all data which you hold on the computer you use.
Except as otherwise set out in this section “Limitation of liability”, E-Courses4You’s maximum aggregate liability to you for any claims that you may have against E-Courses4You for direct loss in contract, tort or otherwise arising out of or in connection with these Terms, your use of the Website, Course and / or Course Materials and any technical support shall be limited to the amount of the Fee which has been paid, or is payable, by you or on your behalf.
E-Courses4You will not be held responsible for any delay or failure to comply with its obligations under these conditions if the delay or failure arises from any cause which is beyond its reasonable control. This condition does not affect your statutory rights.
Each provision in these terms shall be construed separately as between you and E-Courses4You. If any part is held to be unreasonable, inapplicable, or unenforceable, but would be valid if some part thereof was deleted, such provision shall apply but with such modification as may be necessary to make it valid and effective.
It is not advisable to study for extended lengths of time without taking any breaks. We recommend for your own benefit that you do not study for any longer than 2 hours at a time.
The Course Materials are for educational purposes only. E-Courses4You will not accept any responsibility to any party for the use of these Course Materials for any purpose other than for educational purposes, including but not limited to the giving of advice by you to any third party, making or not making any dietary or lifestyle changes for any reason.
Any personal information which you provide to us by which we could identify you as a living individual (whether by taking that information by itself or when using it in conjunction with other information which we hold or are likely to hold) is processed by in accordance with our Privacy Policy. In our Privacy Policy we explain, that your personal information may be used to enable E-Courses4You to:
- Provide information and marketing related to our products and services by either us or by other 3rd party companies
- Carry out statistical analyses regarding the products and services offered by us
- Improve our, efficiency, results, communications, marketing, processes, standards and procedures as a result of such information and marketing services and statistical analyses referred to above.
Nothing on the Websites is intended to be nor should be construed as an offer to enter into a contractual relationship with you or anyone else, except for these Terms which govern the relationship between us in relation to your use of the Websites.
If you make a contract with a third party who is named or referred to on the Websites, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are comfortable with the terms of that contract and to take legal advice if necessary.
Law governing the Terms Use of the Websites, and / or courses and course materials, and the formation, existence, construction, performance, validity and all aspects whatsoever of these Terms shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales.
The Courts of England and Wales shall have the exclusive jurisdiction over all claims or disputes arising in relation to, out of or in connection with your use of the Websites, and / or courses and course materials, and these Terms Additional provisions It is not intended that third parties shall have any rights in relation to these Terms under the provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.
If any term of these Terms is found by any court or body or authority of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, unlawful, void or unenforceable, that term shall be deemed to be severed from these Terms and this shall not affect the remainder of these Terms which shall continue in full force and effect.
The terms outlined in the general terms and conditions for orders, websites & courses is in addition to the license agreement. One agreement does invalidate the other and both, once accepted, are binding. Should any conflict of the terms occur then the terms presented in these general terms and conditions take precedence