Ethical Hacking: Wireless Hacking


Dive into the field of Cyber Security with this ’Ethical Hacking: Wireless Hacking’ training course. Start with an introduction to wireless hacking, and then move on to topics such as Aircrack, Reaver, Bluetooth, and Ubertooth. By the time you’ve completed this course, you will know all about advanced wireless security, Kismac, Metasploit, and much more. Length: 1.5 hrs

SKU: EC4Y0402 Category: Tag:


With this Ethical Hacking: Wireless Hacking training course, you will learn all about wireless security concepts and architectures and the components used to secure them.

This course is for both beginners and IT pros looking to get certified and land an entry level Cyber Security position paying upwards of six figures! There are currently over a million Cyber Security job openings globally, and demand is greatly outpacing supply – which means more opportunity, job security, and higher pay for you!

Security experts and researchers have discovered that the security protocol used to protect the vast majority of wifi connections has been broken, potentially exposing wireless internet traffic to malicious eavesdroppers and attacks. This Ethical Hacking: Wireless Hacking course will help you understand security weaknesses as well as teach you best practices for recognizing them.



1. Wireless Hacking Ninja

Introduction (7:39)
Wireless Hacking with Aircrack and Reaver (7:46)
Man-in-the-Middle Attacks with Wi-Fi Pineapple (8:45)
Advanced Wireless Security (14:08)
Bluetooth Low Energy Hacks (10:42)
Ubertooth (15:00)
Software Defined Radio (5:35)
Kismac (2:07)
Pwning over Wireless with Metasploit (10:56)