Conflict Resolution


The Law of Win/Win says, “Let’s not do it my way or your way but the best way.”

At some point, when working with people, conflict is bound to happen. Disputes arise in many situations: a missed deadline, poor productivity, absenteeism, and violence. It is important that these scenarios are handled when they occur or before they occur because disputes lead to loss of revenue and undesirable lawsuits. In this conflict resolution module, you will learn how to:

  • Negotiate, adjudicate, and mediate to mitigate disputes
  • Conflict resolution theories and models
  • Deal with anger, contain your emotions, and resolve conflicts with facts

Resolving conflict in a positive way is a rare skill but can be developed and practiced. Be the difference today. Register now!


The Law of Win/Win says, “Let’s not do it my way or your way but the best way.”

At some point, when working with people, conflict is bound to happen. Disputes arise in many situations: a missed deadline, poor productivity, absenteeism, and violence. It is important that these scenarios are handled when they occur or before they occur because disputes lead to loss of revenue and undesirable lawsuits. In this conflict resolution module, you will learn how to:

  • Negotiate, adjudicate, and mediate to mitigate disputes
  • Conflict resolution theories and models
  • Deal with anger, contain your emotions, and resolve conflicts with facts

Resolving conflict in a positive way is a rare skill but can be developed and practiced. Be the difference today. Register now!